Volker A. - Silent power for regatta and long distance yachts
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I’ve been using an EFOY Fuel Cell since my participation of the Route du Rhum 2014 in the Class 40. Since then, the system has more than proven its reliability and efficiency, which is why I have decided to install it on board my Multi50. As for the installation or the operation, there is nothing simpler! Fantastic for a "technician" like me! Although the regulations require us to have an internal combustion engine on board, which I can also use as a generator, my EFOY is the backbone of my power supply on board and covers most of the power consumption (65 % – 70 %) of the boat. In addition, the EFOY is a perfect backup solution to keep the engine battery charged even when there are problems or I have been careless. What really motivates me is the fact that my EFOY works perfectly even though we expect hard conditions like strong list, flooding the bow and bridge, shocks, coldness, heat …). In short, EFOY is simple, reliable, robust and provides safety.
Picture credits: Pierrick Contin und Astrid VDH DVSEP