Testimonial EFOY Fuel Cell

Solo regatta from Plymouth (GB) to Newport (USA)

Thomas J.

The EFOY team helped me a lot with their technical knowledge when I bought and installed my fuel cell. For this I am much obliged to you! I finished the solo regatta from Plymouth (GB) to Newport (USA) in fifth place out of the 24 yachts that started out, which is a very pleasing result for me.

The trip took 42 days; 42 days in which the EFOY worked without the slightest problem (I didn’t even have to refill any service fluid). And the luxury of always having enough electric power available without ever having to start the diesel engine was simply indescribable. The cell used 8.5 M5 fuel cartridges. (Editor’s note: corresponds to 46.75 kWh electricity).

“the luxury of always having enough electric power available without ever having to start the diesel engine was simply indescribable”

Thomas J.

Only small boats (under 30 feet) were allowed to participate in the regatta. My boat is 8.5 m long; a good but old-fashioned boat that lists heavily in strong winds. So I built a device to always keep the fuel cell nice and straight. The EFOY "lived" at the foot of the so-called "dog bunk", where it always stayed dry even in bad weather. I had cut a board in the size and shape of the mattress on which the tank and my device were mounted. I fastened the board laterally in the bunk. I had read in the manual that the cell can withstand a position of up to 30 degrees for a short time. But because this regatta is usually sailed with a headwind (and therefore with a lot of listing), I didn’t want to take any risks and tried to make my fuel cell’s life as comfortable as possible. Whenever the boat was listing – and it almost always was – I could always align the EFOY using two laterally mounted lines.

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